PAL Courses
1) We offer the Firearm Safety Classes. Challenges are no longer available for first time applicants,
classroom attendance is required.
2) Our courses are offered once a month but pre-registration and payment is required.
Registration and payments are done by calling or stopping by the shop.
***Please do not email regarding PAL classes
3) Price for non restricted Firearms course is $150.00
4) Price for restricted Firearms Course is $125.00. (A non-restricted course is a pre-requisite to this
5) The classes fill up very quickly, it is recommended to sign up 5-6 weeks in advance.
6) Without pre-registration and pre-payment you will not be allowed to attend the class.
7) The classes start at 9:00 am sharp and last all day.
8) Classes are offered as follows:
Saturdays: Non-Restricted Firearms Course Day
Sundays: Restricted Firearms Course Day (held quarterly only)
*You must hold a non restricted license if you plan on acquiring your Restricted Firearms
Please note: There will be no refunds or date changes from your course date.
"The Show Must Go On."
******* If you have a valid PAL but need help renewing it, we can help you with that as well. Please call Michelle at 403-327-7595 to book an appointment.
Next Classes:
February 16 * Restricted Class
March 8
April 19